Hi, my name is Cedric . I’m a data analyst that can help you

collect, curate, and communicate

your data.

DataCamp Certified Analyst

01 | Data Management

I gather data using tools like Excel/Google Sheets, web scraping, and SQL . I reshape and mine data for analysis using R and Python .

02 | Data Analysis

I perform data analysis, exploration, and apply statistical tests using R and Python.

03 | Data Storytelling

I use static and interactive visualizations generated from tools like Tableau and Shiny, to tell compelling stories that communicate key insights.

Data Process

Everything College Dashboard

Dashboard for comparing US colleges side by side.

R, Python, Shiny

This is a dashboard that combines the shiny package along with interactive data visualization packages like highcharter and plotly to allow users to compare any 2 colleges at once. The Everything College Dashboard also showcases dozens of variables with the option to see how they have changed over time.

Selected Project